UA-197577521-1 330886125070104 Rosmarinus officinalis
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Image by Elliott B

Rosmarinus officinalis

With a sharp, floral aroma and pungent taste, Rosemary adds the necessary heat to clear away stagnancy like no other. When you’re staring at a screen for long hours, engaging in tedious work, or just need some mental support, Rosemary is there.

Rosemary is also revered as a culinary spice. Having high reserves of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B6, thiamin, folate, and anti-oxidants, Rosemary supports your body’s wellness. ⠀

Energetically, Rosemary is protective and connected to ancestral wisdom. Perfect for the upcoming Solstice!

{Products that include Rosemary}

•Mental Clarity Tincture

•Focus Tea

•Winter Smudge Blend
























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