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Image by Elliott B

A Letter From the Maker


I'm Kassaundra, owner of Rooted Remedies. I started Rooted Remedies last year, but the journey has been much longer, as it usually is. Over the last decade, I have been studying, practicing, and experimenting in the world of herbalism. During those years, I attempted many different routes and ways to practice herbalism, not finding my groove until last year. But that is a story for another time.

Recently, I've had a quite a few people ask me why I use "we" instead of "I". For a long time, I thought that I was building this business all by myself. Considering I am the sole employee of Rooted Remedies, that made sense. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that wasn't true. I am the one who makes all of the decisions for Rooted Remedies - from creating the labels and website, to running social media and in-person markets. And experiences all of the consequences of those decisions, both positive and negative.

That being said, I am not the only one building this business and community. I have a partner that brainstorms with me and encourages me. As some of you know, I have a pup, Dax. Without the help of my sister and her wife, I wouldn't be able to participate in as many markets. This last Summer, I created my first ever crowdfunding campaign. Without the support from all my backers, I wouldn't have been able to scale up as much as I have. Through this business, I have met some of the most wonderful small business owners and have found a tremendous sense of community. Then there are all of my customers, who continually show up and support this precious work I get to contribute to. And finally, there are all those who came before me, gathering wisdom and experience through working with plants - teachers, ancestors, and mentors.

I spent most of my life being adamantly independent - which would make sense why I chose to pursue the life of an entrepreneur (it's not for the faint of heart). Over this last year, one of the major lessons that has been thrown at me time and again is to soften that independence and make space for interdependence and synergistic relationships. Without all of you, there would not be a Rooted Remedies. As much as I have built it from seemingly nothing, it has been built upon an accumulation of experiences, knowledge, and community. This is why I prefer to use "we" instead of "I" when using the voice of Rooted Remedies.

Once again, I appreciate you all more than you know. Thank you for supporting this small business and for supporting me.



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