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Image by Elliott B

Living with the Seasons

When we are more in tune with the seasonal changes, we can clearly see the importance of the cyclical nature of life. Heading into Winter, I’m seeing more of the natural world retreat, conserving their energy.

I immediately reflect on my own life and how that collective cycle is showing up for me. I’m noticing that, in the attempt to ‘stay productive’ and get stuff done, I’m needing more days for decompression and rest.

In Autumn, I was needing about a day a month to completely dedicate to rest and rejuvenation. Now, it feels more like once a week. There’s a part of my societal programming that tells me I need to maintain consistent energy levels throughout the year. That if I slow down, I’ll fall behind. In actuality, this autopilot mentality of pushing myself until I have no choice but to rest is more detrimental to both my external productivity and my wellness.

What would happen if we just slowed down a bit more during the Winter; gave ourselves one less thing to do in a day in exchange for a more durable endurance? What would it look like if we started shifting the way we live to better reflect the natural cycles of the year?























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