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Image by Elliott B

Equisetum arvense

Horsetail is considered a prehistoric plant. Which isn’t too surprising if you happen to come upon a patch. It feels like stepping back in time to roam with the dinosaurs, and even before that, when more water covered the Earth than ground.


Just as their roots stretch down, deep into the Earth (as far as 50 feet), so too do they work deep within our own bodies. With Saturn as their ruler, they have an affinity for structure and boundaries. Their mineral rich content is a welcome resource for our bones, connective tissues, teeth, fingernails, and even hair.


Cooling and Drying. Horsetail works to soothe and tonify wet inflammation. But too much can create an excess of cold constriction in the tissues, mind, and energy.


If you’re feeling a bit disconnected and spacey, Horsetail will help drop your grounding cord deep into the Earth, connecting to your ancestral lineages as well as the ancient energy of the Earth.


Because the roots of Horsetail can reach to great depths and are quite absorbent, please be mindful of where you decide to harvest them. Not only practicing ethical, sustainable harvesting, but be especially mindful of not harvesting within at least 100 feet of roads, factories, powerlines, and anything else that might be toxic.














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