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Image by Elliott B

Element of Air

The Realm of Creativity. As I sat down to write this, I instantly felt myself become distracted… I should preface that by saying I have a lot of air in my constitution.


Have you ever stood outside while the air whips arounds? Air is invigorating, uplifting, and clarifying. The quality of air is present when we have a new idea or creative inspiration. It’s that feeling when you take a big, deep breath and feel a surge of clarity and spaciousness.


Air’s essence is seen in a plant’s vitality and the possibilities that lie ahead. It is our dreams, imagination, and creative expression.


Just as in windstorm, too much air can have you up and out of your body (energetically speaking) and have you feeling easily distracted. On the other hand, not enough air and one can suffocate.


Here are some ways I like to rebalance/connect with the element of Air:

-Meditate with Tune In elemental tea blend

-Stand outside on a windy day (or maybe just crack a window and sit beside it)

-Practice Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) for balance

-Sing, gargle, howl, scream as loud as you can on the top of a mountain

-Laugh with loved ones, yourself included

-Get your creative supplies out and, well, create something

-Notice how the wind dances with the trees, or any plant
















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